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Book Information
"Mumu" by Ivan Turgenev is a poignant novella that explores themes of love, sacrifice, and societal constraints in 19th-century Russia. The story revolves around Gerasim, a deaf and mute serf who forms a deep bond with his mistress's pet dog, Mumu. As Gerasim's affection for Mumu grows, he becomes a symbol of simplicity and purity amidst the complexities of his master's household. Turgenev masterfully contrasts Gerasim's innate goodness with the superficiality and cruelty of the aristocracy, highlighting the inherent dignity of the human spirit. "Mumu" is a powerful meditation on empathy and the price of social hierarchy, showcasing Turgenev's skill in capturing the nuances of Russian society with compassion and insight.
Publisher | Kamgar Prakashan |
Author's Name | Ivan Turgenev |
Year Of Publication | 2023 |
Language | Hindi |
Hardbound/Paperback | Pb |
Weight | 80 Grams |
Isbn Code | 978-81-85242-98-9 |
Height | 0.5 Cm |
Width | 14 Cm |
Length | 21.5 Cm |
New/Old | New |
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